A Child’s Place? Being a Child

lorisa stein a childs place being a childFrom a parent’s perspective: the goal is to keep the children away from their adult business. Private conversations. Absences by one or both parents at mealtimes. Hushed voices.
From the children’s perspective: the emotional hurdles, the atypical outbursts and the squabbling over simple scheduling matters spell out something is amiss and very wrong.

The kids know.
A Child’s Right to be Heard
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Canada ratified in 1992, assures the capable mature child of the right to be given the opportunity to express their views in family matters affecting them.

No One Rushes In

Whatever the approach to protect their children’s interests is chosen by the parents. It must be undertaken with shared realistic expectations about professional fees cost, time, preparation, and emotional cost. Consider in your process choice that urgent matters demand immediate attention.

A calm respite for both parents and the children during the separation process on a regular basis relieves the sense of constant stress. A private safe environment with an independent therapist will permit the children to express how they feel, how they view their world and being able to express what’s important to them without outside influences.

Play Time Matters

A child’s place is being a child. Having fun, asking questions, being curious. Children seek a stable and safe home for their well- being. They want to love their parents and not be pushed to pick sides. Children want their parents to understand what it must be like to move between homes with different rules, routines, and within a new neighbourhood. Adjustments for parents and children take time and patience.

Co-parenting issues can be difficult and affect the whole family. To learn more about children’s best interests please contact Lorisa Stein directly at 416 596-8081 or use the Contact Page to send her a confidential message. Lorisa will reply to you at her earliest opportunity.