Graduations and Weddings!
The families are assembling to celebrate and rejoice! The kids are graduating from kindergarten and grade school and high school and colleges and universities. Student loans to be settled and education and moving tax credits are ending. With new jobs come to new apartments. Child support obligations start to wind down as the children move out and a few consummate special relationships in marriage.
Sometimes the path takes a different turn.
The Celebrations are for the Children
How often do we attend family festivities to overhear an old battle cry from the past or a negative buzz about a cousin? Let’s refrain from looking at the past or rumour mongering and give full focus and attention to the graduates. The party is for them. They’ve earned it!
Support for Older Children
Sometimes after all that education, the child is not able to launch from the family home. Completing an undergraduate degree or college diploma may not be sufficient for them to find employment to be self- sufficient. These “boomerang kids” return to the family nest hoping to avoid paying for rent and meals to save money to be able to buy their own home and pay off student debt. What is the impact on the boomer age parents looking forward to their retirement from work and from family rearing responsibilities? What is the additional cost for extra adults with their own tastes and needs? Does the adult child have a right to child support given that they are unable to become financially independent? This is a multifaceted area of family law and should be considered with all the known facts.
To learn more about the complex Adult Child Support issues please contact Lorisa Stein directly