Oh Joyful Weddings!
Relishing the abundance of attention, the many warm embraces, congratulatory fist bumps, gathering of family, friends and special guests. Honouring all guests for joining with you for your union.
- Celebrating the spirit of the occasion, your hopes, dreams and plans coming to full fruition while stumbling and learning along the way and being humble and growing and finding joy in the most unlikely of places.
- Admiring how all the planning, organizing, and endless decisions was worth every minute and every dollar. Didn’t always admit to following all the advice given and that was OK. Everything turned out fine.
- Admitting that the seating arrangements were simply a suggestion. Guests will attract and repel each other and settle to dine where they wish.
- Realizing that it’s about bringing out the best in your spouse every day, the thoughtfulness of each gift, and the unbridled restraint of special guests not to buy you a toaster or a pet.
- Laughing today at the trendy wedding garb you wore that still fits beautifully today. Maybe a little bittersweet about losing some of your unconventional possessions when you move in together.
- Appreciating the helpfulness of planning resources to learn more about high priced housing markets, long term mortgage rates, car loan interest rates; baby furniture and lots of other new expenses in your married life.
- Turning to skilfully and enthusiastically greet other guests when someone insists on sharing their truths about marriage with you at that moment.
- Harnessing social media – as you may be so inclined – by inviting skilled guests to share their freelance images with you afterwards. Creativity reflecting the day with photos, rap lyrics, poetry, and lots of other expressions.
- Savouring all the best romantic traditions: the last dance for your loved one – and last piece of cake to burrow away and enjoy one year from your glorious wedding day!
Weddings are a public commitment to one another in many ways. They may involve blended families, managing disapproving or warring relatives. Dealing with and resolving legal problems early is a wise step. Call Lorisa Stein at her private number 416 596-8081 or through her website LorisaStein.com. We will respond to your call as soon as possible.