Spousal Support: Lump Sum vs. Payments
It is often said that there are very few guarantees in life. Our lives are in flux and...
It is often said that there are very few guarantees in life. Our lives are in flux and...
Being a party to a separation agreement may require you to secure a child or spousal...
When entrepreneurs and small business owners are transitioning their personal...
Canada’s Divorce Act provides for retroactive spousal support with direction as to...
Sam was angry. He and his spouse were separating over the refusal by Ali to become...
Belinda would boast to her colleagues how proud she was that her spouse didn’t have to...
A business owner was discussing seeking legal advice with Sandra, his high school...
One of my best friends, Jim, is facing what he sees as a tough road ahead. It’s not...
For senior adults stepping into their second marriages, the tough conversation is...